Prosthetic Therapy Clinic

It is an artificial device that completes a missing part of the human body. Artificial devices containing teeth and dental parts are called Dental Prostheses. Prostheses are divided into fixed and removable prostheses.


Fixed Prostheses; It is called the prosthesis that is stuck with the support of natural teeth and after some preparations made on them.

They are divided into two parts: Removable Dentures, Full Dentures and Partial Dentures.


Complete Dentures; They are devices that can be attached and removed in various ways in the mouth, which are fully supported by the mucosa and the underlying bone, containing all teeth and their associated structures.

Partial Dentures; It is a type of prosthesis applied to patients with one or more teeth missing in their mouth. Partial Dentures; They are divided into two as toothless-terminated partial prostheses and toothless-ended (free) partial prostheses.

Dental prostheses, prostheses that use partial or complete dental implants to provide retention, support and stability are called Implant Prostheses. It can be fixed or mobile.

Precision Attachment Prostheses; The clasps placed on the support teeth affect the aesthetics negatively and they also have some disadvantages such as plaque accumulation, erosion on the teeth and transmission of unsuitable forces to the teeth, retention and poor stability. The term precision attachment refers to pre-fabricated or laboratory-produced attachments used to join parts of fixed or removable partial dentures. It consists of a metal slot and a part that fits into this slot. It has a female and a male part. The aim is to correct the aesthetics of the prosthesis with invisible holders.


On the other hand, maxillofacial prostheses are the science and art that gathers all the cosmetic, anatomical and functional information that enables the recovery of the areas in the upper jaw and / or lower jaw, face, congenital or lost due to various reasons in later life, with the help of prostheses.